
This week we learned about some principles behind database design and we saw how to set up a postgreSQL database with the help of pgAdmin. We also learned how to bring data into a database and do some simple manipulations with it. Your assignment this week is to review the material from February 3rd and 5th, and demonstrate that you can repeat the steps outlined there. If you would like to restart from scratch, please see the information here about starting over.

Task 1

Review the information on creating a new user in postgreSQL with the help of pgAdmin, and verify that you can create the lake_wa user from the postgres super user account.

Task 2

Review the information on creating a new database in postgreSQL with the help of pgAdmin, and verify that you can create the lake_wa database from the lake_wa user account.

Task 3

Review the information on adding data to a new database in postgreSQL with the help of pgAdmin, and verify that you can create the public.pdo and staging.limno tables.

Task 4

Review the information on creating a new field and concatenating fields, and then verify that you can do so with the Year and Month fields in the staging.limno table.

Task 5

Review the information on changing NA to NULL and do so in your staging.limno table.

Task 6

Create your final public.limno table and move it from staging to public,

Task 7

Join your limno and pdo tables into a view. When you are finished, take a screen shot of your new view as shown in the pgAdmin object browser similar to one at the end of the document here.

Task 8

Open a new issue called Assignment 4 in your fish549 repo that you created as part of Assignment 1 and include the screen shot from Task 7. To do so, you can simply drag and drop the image into the issue editing window.