
This is a step-by-step guide to create a new database, user, and tables for Lake Washington (Seattle, WA, USA) limnological data and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) climate variability index.


To begin, you should have PostgreSQL and pgAdmin installed. (Please note that the following steps were tested on PostgreSQL v13 and pgAdmin v4.3 running on macOS Big Sur.)

Getting oriented in pgAdmin

Before we can create anything, we need to connect to PostgreSQL with our pgAdmin client. It is important to note that the current version of pgAdmin runs in your web browser.

The first time you open pgAdmin you will be prompted to set a password.

The pgAdmin dashboard provides a database object browser along the left side of the window. In the object brower click on Servers. Then click on PostgreSQL 13. You will be asked for the postgres superuser password you set up when you first installed PostgreSQL. Provide the password and pgAdmin will connect to the database.

Under PostgreSQL 13 you will then see Databases, Login/Group Roles, and Tablespaces.


  • Click on Databases to see one database named postgres. The postgres database is the only database created automatically when PostgreSQL is installed.

  • Click on the postgres database and then click on Schemas at the bottom of the submenu. You will see there is one schema in the database named public.

  • Click on the public schema to see the long list of database object types listed alphabetically.

Login/Group Roles

  • Click on Login/Group Roles to see eight roles that start with pg_ and one user named postgres.

    • Roles and users can be distinguished by their different icons in the object browser.

    • The postgres user is the superuser you are using to connect into the database.


  • Tablespaces allow you to control where in the file system you database objects are stored.

  • Tablespaces are used for performance and disk space management.

  • We are using default tablespaces in this exercise, but you can learn more about adding and configuring tablespaces in the PostgreSQL documentation

Create a new user

Right now we’re connected to the database as the postgres super user, so we want to set up a new user for our project and then disconnect as postgres and sign in as our new user. To create a new user

  • right click on Login/Group Roles

  • click on Create >

  • click on Login/Group Roles ..., which will open a window in pgAdmin to create a new Login/Group Role

  • Under the General tab, give the new role a name (here we use lake_wa)

  • Click on the Definition tab at the top of the window and provide a password for your user

  • Click on the Privileges tab at the top of the window to assign permissions for the role

    • Change Can login? to “Yes”

    • Change Create databases? to “Yes”

  • Click the blue Save button when you are done

  • Click on the SQL tab to see the actual SQL that pgAdmin is generating for you (note that the SQL view masks the password you provided). Here’s the SQL to create my new user:
    PASSWORD 'xxxxxx';

  • Click Save and then verify that your user now appears under Login/Group Roles

Switch users

  • Right click on PostgreSQL 13 in the object browser, and then click Disconnect Server

  • A window will pop up asking if you are sure you want to disconnect–click Ok
  • Right click on PostgreSQL 13 in the object browser and then select Properties

  • A window will pop up titled PostgreSQL 13; click the Connection tab at the top

  • Under Username change postgres to lake_wa (or whatever you named your user)

  • Click the blue Save to close the window and save your changes

  • Double click on PostgreSQL 13 in the object browser

  • A window will pop up asking for the password for the lake_wa user

  • Input the password and click the blue OK button

  • You are now connected to PostgreSQL as your new user

Creating a new database

[Note: If at any point you feel like you want to return to this location in the workflow, click here for instructions on how to do so.]

Next we are going to create a new database to hold our Lake Washington and PDO data.

  • Right click on Databases and then select Create > Database ...

  • A window will pop up called Create - Database

  • Give your new database a name; here we called it lake_wa (note that PostgreSQL assumes we want the current user lake_wa to own the new database, which is OK, so there is nothing to change here)

  • Click on SQL to see the statement that pgAdmin is writing for you to create the database.

My create database statement looks like:

    OWNER = lake_wa

  • Click the blue Save button and then verify you now see lake_wa as a second database beside postgres in the object browser

  • Click on the lake_wa database to connect to it

Now we have our user and our database, and we can next make the data tables that will hold our data. But before we start making the data tables, we need to inspect the data to know what their tables should look like.

Create a new schema

Before we import our data from the .csv files, we need to create a new schema that we’ll use to stage and clean the Lake Washington limnology data.

  • Right-click on Schemas and select Create > Schema...

  • In the dialogue box that opens up, click on the General tab and enter staging in the Name field

  • Click on the SQL tab and you should see the following SQL commands
    AUTHORIZATION lake_wa;

The data

The data for this example are available as two .csv files

  1. lwa_limno.csv

  2. pdo_data.csv

which can be found in the data directory here. Download both data files to your local computer either directly from the repo or by cloning or forking the repo.

Generally we need to know the field (column) names in the data files and what type of data are contained in each field before we can set up the tables. Fortunately for us, some nice people made a free tool that will give you the SQL for a .csv file that we can use to quickstart the process.

Pacific Decadal Oscillation

We’ll begin by bringing in the PDO data located in pdo_data.

  • Open up the Convert CSV to SQL tool

  • Under Step 1

    • Choose any of the 3 following options to select the pdo_data.csv file:

      1. “Enter Data” allows you to copy/paste from the raw csv format here

      2. “Choose File” allows you to navigate to and select the location for your locally saved pdo_data.csv file

      3. “Enter URL” allows you to copy the URL for the raw data here and paste it into the box

    • After selecting the input, the converter will read in the .csv file

  • (You can skip Step 2)

  • Under Step 3

    • Leave everything as is in the Field Name, Key, and Required columns

    • Under the field name and data type section, look for the option to specify the Schema.Table name and enter public.pdo

    • Scroll down further and under For INSERT,

      1. check the box next to Use one INSERT/REPLACE statement with multiple VALUES clauses, and
      2. enter 2005 for How many?

  • Under Step 4

    • Click the CSV To SQL Insert button to bring in the new configuration options you just set

    • In the Save your result box, enter pdo_data

    • For the line endings, choose either CRLF if you are on a Windows computer and LF otherwise

    • Click the blue Download Results button to download the pdo_data.sql file to your computer

Lake Washington limnology

  • Return to Step 1 of the Convert CSV to SQL tool

    • Click on the blue Clear Input button to clear all of the information from pdo_data.csv

    • Choose any of the 3 following options to select the lwa_limno.csv file:

      1. “Enter Data” allows you to copy/paste from the raw csv format here

      2. “Choose File” allows you to navigate to and select the location for your locally saved lwa_limno.csv file

      3. “Enter URL” allows you to copy the URL for the raw data here and paste it into the box

    • After selecting the input, the converter will read in the .csv file

  • (You can skip Step 2)

  • Under Step 3

    • add underscores (_) to 3 of the field names to separate words:

      1. Otheralgae becomes Other_algae
      2. Nondaphnidcladocerans becomes Non_daphnid_cladocerans
      3. Noncolonialrotifers becomes Non_colonial_rotifers

    • In the Field Name for Year, uncheck the box under Key

    • In the Required column, leave the check marks for Year and Month and uncheck all of the rest of the fields

    • Under the field name and data type section, look for the option to specify the Schema.Table name and enter staging.limno

    • Scroll down further and under For INSERT,

      1. check the box next to Use one INSERT/REPLACE statement with multiple VALUES clauses, and
      2. enter 400 for How many?

  • Under Step 4

    • Click the CSV To SQL Insert button to bring in the new configuration options you just set

    • In the Save your result box, enter lwa_limno

    • For the line endings, choose either CRLF if you are on a Windows computer and LF otherwise

    • Click the blue Download Results button to download the lwa_limno.sql file to your computer

Creating the tables


We now need to create the tables for the data within the database. We’ll begin with the PDO data.

  • In pgAdmin, click the Tools tab at the top and then select Query Tool

  • A query editor window will open in pgAdmin

  • Click on the open folder icon, which will allow you to select the SQL file we saved above

  • Navigate to the location where you saved your pdo_data.sql, select it, and then click the blue Select button

  • You will now see the SQL code in the editor window, that begins with
CREATE TABLE public.pdo(
  ,pdo  NUMERIC(5,2) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO public.pdo(date,pdo) VALUES

  • Click the triangular play button at the top to execute the SQL

  • The code should execute now and pgAdmin should respond

INSERT 0 2004

Query returned successfully in 42 msec.

(Note that the time it took the query to run will depend on your computer resources.)

  • In the pgAdmin object browser, click on Schemas > public > Tables > pdo to see the contents of your new table pdo

  • Right click on the pdo table and then click View/Edit Data and then All Rows

  • The query editor will show you the following query used to call all records for the table in the upper pane and show the result set for that query in the lower pane.
SELECT * FROM public.pdo


  • In pgAdmin, click the Tools tab at the top and then select Query Tool

  • A query editor window will open in pgAdmin

  • Click on the open folder icon, which will allow you to select the SQL file we saved above

  • Navigate to the location where you saved your lwa_limno.sql, select it, and then click the blue Select button

  • You will now see the SQL code in the editor window, that begins with
CREATE TABLE staging.limno(
   Year                  INTEGER  NOT NULL
  ,Month                 INTEGER  NOT NULL

  • Click the triangular play button at the top to execute the SQL

  • The code should execute now and pgAdmin should respond

INSERT 0 396

Query returned successfully in 58 msec.

(Note that the time it took the query to run will depend on your computer resources.)

  • In the pgAdmin object browser, click on Schemas > staging > Tables > limno to see your new table stage_lake_wa

  • Right click on the limno table and then click View/Edit Data and then All Rows

  • The query editor will show you the following query used to call all records for the table in the upper pane and show the result set for that query in the lower pane.
SELECT * FROM staging.limno

The Truman options

There can be times when it simply seems easiest to burn it all down and start over, so don’t feel bad if you find yourself here.

Delete a database

If, for whatever reason, you want to delete a database, do this in pgAdmin

  • Right-click on the lake_wa database and select Delete/Drop

Delete a user

You cannot delete a user while you are logged in as that person. To remove the lake_wa user we created here, we’ll have to first disconnect from the database, and then log back in as the postgres super user. To do so in pgAdmin, follow these steps

  1. Right-click on PostgreSQL 13 in the object browser and select Disconnect Server

  1. Right-click on PostgreSQL 13 again and select Properties

  1. Click on the Connection tab and change username to postgres; when you are done, click the blue Save button

  1. Right-click on PostgreSQL 13 and select Connect Server

  1. When prompted, enter the password you used when you first installed PostgreSQL and click the blue OK button

  1. Under Login/Group Roles in the object browser, right-click on lake_wa and select Delete/Drop