Remote repositories

This assignment will allow you to demonstrate your ability to set up a remote repository on GitHub, clone it to RStudio, and use Git for some version control.

Task 1

Create a new repository on GitHub called fish549. When setting up your repo, select the following features:

Task 2

After you create your new fish549 repo,

Note: This task will trigger a message to Mark with your invitation to join your newly created repo. You will have to wait for Mark to accept your invitation before you can complete Tasks 8 & 9.

Task 3

Create a new project in RStudio with a connection to the GitHub repo you just created. Recall that Mark strongly suggests you put this project folder in a location not under some other form of version control (e.g., Dropbox, Google Docs).

Task 4

Add, commit, and push the .gitgnore file to your remote repo on GitHub.

Task 5

Begin a simple research compendium. Start by creating a folder called analysis. You have several options to do so:

Now add an R script named 01_read-data.R to the /analysis/ folder with the following contents (you can use as few/many # for comments as you’d like):

## This script will read in the raw data

## load libraries

## set data directory
data_dir <- here("data")

Add, commit, and push this R script to your remote repo on GitHub.

Task 6

Create a folder called data using any of the methods mentioned in Task 5. Download the data set on Palmer penguins located here and place it in the /data/ folder you just created.

Add, commit, and push this data file to your remote repo on GitHub.

Task 7

Edit your file to describe the current contents of your repo. This should include something about the folders and files (you don’t have to describe the .gitignore file).

Add, commit, and push this data file to your remote repo on GitHub.

Task 8

When you are finished, create a new issue in your repo with the title:

Assignment 1

Leave a comment on the issue that briefly describes what you’ve done for this assignment. After doing so, assign Mark to the issue by selecting his username from the dropdown menu under Assignees. Also assign the “help wanted” label from the Labels. Finally, click on the green Submit new issue button.

Task 9

Navigate back to your GitHub repo and create a new Project using the default template and name it “Assignments”. Add the issue you created in Task 8 to the Todo column.