Getting help

This assignment will allow you to demonstrate that you can create a minimal, reproducible example (reprex) in a quest for help.

Task 1

Navigate to the Pisaster repo here and fork it to your own GitHub account.

Task 2

Create a new RStudio project from your forked copy of the Pisaster repo.

Task 3

Open up the script 01_summary_statistics.R and run all of the code. The last line of code will issue a warning and if you inspect the value of mean_count, you will (perhaps unexpectedly) find a peculiar result.

Task 4

Assume that you do not understand the source of the warning and resulting value for mean_count (and it’s OK if you don’t). Create a new Gist that asks for help in resolving the error. Make sure to

Hint: You can denote R code in Markdown documents in 1 of 2 ways:

  1. For a single line of code, enclose the statement with a single back-tick (`) like `a <- 1`

  2. For a block of code, enclose the statements with three back-ticks (```) like

a <- 1
b <- 2
a / b

Note that you can make edits to a Gist after you’ve created it by clicking on the Edit button in the upper right.

Task 5

After you’ve created your new Gist with your request for help and a reprex, create a new issue in your fish549 repo that you worked on for Assignment #1. Give the issue an informative title and include a short description of your problem. Copy/paste the URL for the Gist into the issue description, and assign the issue to Mark. (Note that the Gist URL should look something like where USERNAME is your GitHub user name and the alpha-numeric sequence is unique to you.)