27 January 2025

Goals for today

  • Understand the concept of “raw” vs “cleaned” data
  • Understand the different forms of data
  • Understand basic tenets for organizing data

What are data?

Data are a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables collected through observations

What are raw data?

Raw data have not been “cleaned” to remove outliers, instrument/observation errors, or data entry errors

Raw data can be relative

Data may be raw to you, but they may have been pre-processed by someone prior to you receiving them

Data chain of custody

Data chain of custody refers to a process whereby every analyst should

  1. keep a copy of the raw data
  2. record all of the operations used to generate the clean data
  3. document the contents of the clean data

This process insures reproducibility

Data formats

There are many different data formats

  • flat files (.csv, .txt)
  • spreadsheets (Excel, Google)
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
  • databases (SQL, Access)

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

Be consistent

  • variable names (female and not Female or F)
  • missing values (NA and not N/A or -999)
  • date formats (2021-01-22 and not January 22, 2021)

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

Choose good names

Good name Alternative Avoid
fish_mass_g FishMassG Fish mass (g)
sex Sex M/F
obs_01 first_obs 1st Obs.

An aside on cases in coding

The {janitor} package

Helps with non-standard column names

  • The {janitor} package has an extremely useful function called clean_names() which will handle all of your gross header names for you

  • From the clean_names() documentation:

Resulting names are unique and consist only of the _ character, numbers, and letters. Capitalization preferences can be specified using the case parameter.

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

No empty cells – use NA or some other placeholder

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

One thing per cell, for example

  • change lat-lon to lat and lon
  • no notes or comments like “0 (below detection limit)
  • don’t merge cells

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

Use a tidy format where

  • the file is rectangular
  • one variable per column
  • one observation (record) per row
  • one table for each kind of data
  • linked IDs for columns

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

These are not tidy

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

2 tables with linked IDs

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

Create a data dictionary, which includes info like

  • exact variable name as in the data file
  • [optional] short variable name that might be used in plots
  • A detailed definition of what the variable is
  • measurement units
  • summary statistics (eg, min & max values)

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

Example data dictionary

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

Be very cautious of Excel workbooks and Google sheets

  • they allow for calculations within cells (C1=A1+B1)
  • they allow for fonts, highlighting, shading, in-cell comments, etc

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

How many issues can you identify?

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

For data entry in Excel, consider data validation options

(see how to do this here)

Organizing data in spreadsheets

Broman & Woo (2018)

Save the data in plain text

  • .csv files are generally preferred
  • .txt with tabs or space delimiters are more popular in languages where a “,” indicates a decimal

Record your recipe

A reproducible analysis should include step-by-step instructions for moving from raw to clean data

Items to include:

  • explicit instructions
  • versions of software/packages
  • values for non-constants

An example with
R Markdown

What’s next?

We’ll learn about reading data from different sources