22 January 2025

Goals for today

  • Understand different workflow models
  • Understand pros/cons of each

What makes a successful workflow?

It should enhance the effectiveness of your team

It should not be a burden

What makes a successful workflow?


  • Does this workflow scale with team size?
  • Is it easy to undo mistakes & errors?
  • Does it impose unnecessary overhead?

Models for workflows


Feature branch


Centralized workflow

Centralized workflow

Uses a single repo for all changes to the project

Centralized workflow

Juan works on his code

Centralized workflow

Centralized workflow

Mary works on her code

Centralized workflow

Juan pushes his commits (git push origin main)

Centralized workflow

Mary tries to push, but it fails (git push origin main)

Centralized workflow

Mary rebases (git pull --rebase origin main)

Centralized workflow

rebase moves Mary’s commits to tip

Centralized workflow

Mary resolves her merge conflict

Centralized workflow

git status
git add
git rebase --continue

Centralized workflow

Mary pushes her commits (git push origin main)

Centralized workflow

Pros and cons

  • Easy for new team members to pick up
  • Can lead to lots of merge conflicts

Feature branch workflow

Feature branch workflow

How it works

  • A central repo with a main branch for official history
  • Developers create a new branch for every new feature
  • Updates are made via pull requests

Pull requests

  • Changes are not immediately merged into main branch
  • Rather, the feature branch is pushed to remote repo
  • Changes are reviewed by the team
  • Accepted changes are merged into main and pushed to remote repo

Feature branch

Mary creates a new development branch

git checkout -b marys-feature main

Feature branch

Mary pushes (git push -u origin marys-feature)

Feature branch

Mary finishes her changes & submits a pull request

Feature branch

Juan receives pull request

Feature branch

Juan & Mary discuss changes

Feature branch

Mary makes changes

Feature branch

Changes are accepted & merged (by Juan or Mary)

## switch to main branch
git checkout main
## pull changes from main
git pull
## pull changes from feature
git pull origin marys-feature
## push changes to main
git push 

Feature branch workflow

Pros and cons

  • Keeps development separate from production
  • Can be hard for beginners to understand

Forking workflow

Forking workflow

How it works

  • Start with a central remote repo
  • Instead of cloning a repo, team members fork the repo, which creates a remote copy
  • Each team member then clones their remote fork to their local machine
  • [optional] A new local feature branch is created

Forking workflow

How it works (cont’d)

  • [optional] Team member makes changes on the feature branch
  • Commits are pushed to the developer’s own remote copy
  • Team member opens a pull request from the (optionally feature) branch to the “official” repository
  • Pull request is approved & merged into the original remote repository

Forking workflow

Pros and cons

  • This is the preferred method for contributing to other packages/projects
  • Each team member has their own copy of the repo
  • It can be hard to keep track of others

What’s next?

We’ll see these workflows in practice