10 January 2025

Goals for today

  • Understand the elements of a research compendium
  • Understand conventions for coding styles

The reproducibility crisis in science

We are witnessing an increasing number of examples where the original analysis cannot be reproduced

  • For example, a group of Amgen scientists could only confirm the results in 6 out of 53 cancer studies (Begley & Ellis 2012)

What does it mean to be reproducible?

According to the National Science Foundation:

The calculation of quantitative scientific results by independent researchers using the original data and methods

What does it mean to be reproducible?

Reproducibility can be further broken down

  • empirical (eg, sample IDs, sampling gear, instrument settings)
  • statistical (eg, which statistical tests, what model parameters)
  • computational (eg, code, software, hardware)

What is a research compendium?

A standard and easily recognizable way for organizing the digital materials of a project to enable others to inspect, reproduce, and extend the research.

Marwick et al. (2018)

3 principles of research compendia

  1. Project organization should follow the conventions of the scientific community

    • The community might be a lab group
    • The convention(s) support tool building

3 principles of research compendia

  1. Project organization should follow the conventions of the scientific community

  2. Maintain a clear separation of data, methods and output

    • Separate data from code
    • Separate cleaning, analysis & output code

Example file structure


3 principles of research compendia

  1. Project organization should follow the conventions of the scientific community

  2. Maintain a clear separation of data, methods and output

  3. Specify the computational environment

    • Which software/package(s) and what version(s)?
    • Ranges from simple text description to self-contained environments

Why use a research compendium?

  • Increased efficiency, simplified file management and streamlined workflows
  • Increased visibility and scientific impact
  • Ability to return later and understand the process

Creating a research compendium

Key principle

Organize your compendium so another person knows what to expect from the plain meaning of the file and directory names

Simple compendium

Marwick et al (2018)

Simple compendium

Marwick et al (2018)


Marwick et al (2018)


Marwick et al (2018)

Sharing a research compendium

4 things to consider

  1. Licensing

    • Who can (re)use the work?
    • Are there restrictions?
    • Many depositories require Creative Commons licenses

Sharing a research compendium

4 things to consider

  1. Licensing

  2. Version control

    • Facilitates private collaboration among colleagues on the project
    • Allows for distribution and maintenance of the compendium in the future

Sharing a research compendium

4 things to consider

  1. Licensing

  2. Version control

  3. Persistence

    • Consider the “life span” of the analysis
    • A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is more permanent than a URL

Sharing a research compendium

4 things to consider

  1. Licensing

  2. Version control

  3. Persistence

  4. Metadata

    • Publishing data with a DOI requires a description of the data themselves
    • who, what, where, when, how

Tools for creating a compendium

Coding styles

A note on directory structure

Does your R code begin with something like this?


A note on directory structure

Does your R code begin with something like this?


Do you see any problems with this approach?

A note on directory structure

Does your R code begin with something like this?


This won’t work unless your directory structure matches mine!

Relative vs absolute paths

Use relative paths to your work

The {here} package makes this really easy

## Absolute path
## setwd("/Users/Mark/Documents/projects/salmon/data")

## Relative path
> data_dir <- here::here("salmon", data")
> data_dir
> [1] "/Users/Julio/research/thesis/salmon/data"

File & code names

3 principles

  1. Human readable

    • The name should convey concise info
    • Longer is better

File & code names

3 principles

  1. Human readable

  2. Machine readable

    • Easy to ID with regular expressions or globbing
    • Avoid spaces, capitalization, punctuation, special characters
    • Consider _ and - as delimiters

A cautionary tale from the real world

Consider all of these “special characters”


A cautionary tale from the real world

Consider all of these “special characters”


Of them, the pipe | was the only character available for use as a delimiter in a plain text file for a statewide energy efficiency database because all the others had been used in variable names.

Example file names


  • resume.docx

  • Mark's data.xlsx

  • figure 1.pdf

Example file names


  • resume.docx – whose?

  • Mark's data.xlsx – which project?

  • figure 1.pdf – of what?

Example file names

Much better

  • scheuerell_resume_2025-01-03.docx

  • marks_skagit_steelhead_age-composition.xlsx

  • figure-01_scatterplot-length-mass.pdf

File & code names

3 principles

  1. Human readable

  2. Machine readable

  3. Works with default ordering

    • Use a number at the beginning of a name
    • Use the ISO standard for dates (YYYY-MM-DD)
    • “zero-pad” numbers

Example file names

Chronological order





Example file names

Logical order






An investment rather than an order

Taking the time to invest in these styles and strategies can save you a lot of time in the future, but in the end it’s up to you

What’s next?

We’ll learn about GitHub and how to use it for personal and collaborative projects